Design & Development ยท Jan 2014 - Feb 2016
JustSing is an online mobile game. The centre part of the game is to sing songs with other players in a virtual stage. There's an original, excellent audio analysis system inside the game. It will evaluate your singing based on pitches, accuracies, volumes and other factors, and give you a score to compete with others. To add more social elements, we built a large virtual community where you can meet people, talk to them, buy virtual items, accomplish tasks and receive rewards. You can also record your singing into audio files and share them wherever you want. JustSing is still among the most popular music games in China till today and it was once ranked top 10 music game in AppStore Taiwan (Mar 2015).

I joined JustSing team in Jan 2014, shortly after it released 1.0 beta test version. I had then been working on a lot of different parts of the App, especially in programming client side codes. The game requires massive server/client communication in real time. My job was to translate the server informations correctly and output proper results on the client, including exceptions handling. When we needed to add new functions, I was also responsible to confirm with server programmers about data structures and protobuf masks. I used C++ and Lua extensively in these tasks.

I also participated in graphics works of JustSing. Since the game uses Ogre as rendering engine and CEGUI as basic GUI tool, my partner and I first investigated optimized methods to get 3D models and animations on mobile devices, with both good quality and reasonable resource consumption. We rewrote some of their source code and tested repeatedly. We eventually figured out a standard procedure for both engineers and artists to follow to get best graphics performances.

A lot of our design work in this game is to investigate how to appeal players and make them sticky within the game. We have to know their behaviors and preferences. For example, we want players to build social relationships in game. They can have organizations, get into groups or even get married. We also have a lot of game modes to choose to avoid boring players.

You can find the status quo of the game via its official website or download it at AppStore.